You can Pray Your way Out!

You can pray your way out of depression, loneliness, addiction, and anything else that is preventing you from the life God has already promised you. Feeling lost is based on the illusion that we cannot find our way out of something. Scripture quotes, "I am the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6); Jesus holds the key to get us through all the locked doors that might be blocking those blessings we desperately need, and I'm writing from a place of experience.

Every morning, I read a devotional that helps me stay motivated on my spiritual journey and continue to keep God first. The devotional is called God's Promises Every Day by Jack Countryman. It covers all 365 days of the year. This year is my second year of reading the book daily, and when I do not start my day with this book or end my night on my knees in gratitude, I feel like something is off track.

The most important point from this short blog is that consistency in prayer will result in a closer relationship with God with fewer problems from lack of faith. Once realizing that God will provide all that is needed, the stress from your problems gets solved. God will never forsake us like this scripture says. When we come to Him, he is always willing to take us in and restore new life in us. Keep faith, and know where your strength comes from!

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